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How do you set the best corn harvesting data?

Publicat de UTILBEN12/09/2018

How do you set the best corn harvesting data?

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Even if at least two months have elapsed before harvesting corn, it is worth considering what is the optimal date for harvesting it.

The correct selection of the term depends to a large extent on the quality of the fertilizers that were used on the maize plantation during the agricultural year. Caution - Inappropriate application and inappropriate dosing of chemical fertilizers can lead to plant disease. In such situations, maize harvesting must be done in such a way that the losses suffered are less.

Choice of varieties

There are currently many corn varieties on the market, according to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), ranging from 140 to 300 varieties of corn. Depending on the use and the region where the corn is planted, farmers choose different varieties guided by their experience and their own taste.

Harvesting maize for silo


The best moment for harvesting maize for a maximum production is when the milk line is the maximum of lactating net energy, when the milk line, the separation between orange and white is two-thirds of the length of the grain. Milk line measurement is the most widely used method for farmers to harvest silo maize.

In addition to the milk-wax phase of corn, before harvesting it, we must ensure that the plant's moisture content is about 75%. By delaying harvesting, plants lose juice, dramatically reduces the digestibility of fiber and starch.


Equipment needed for maize harvesting:

For harvesting corn silo we need a farm with corn heder, a snowmobile trailer (to lower it) and a telescopic loader for easier later handling.

Tractor for sale Combine for sale Trailer for sale Loader for sale


Harvesting corn for cereals

Harvesting grain corn the optimum harvesting time for grain maize is when the sap from inside the stem stops running and the core itself does not give water. In this case, the physiological maturity of maize for harvesting is based on blackening of corn silk.

Crop harvesting begins when grain humidity reaches 30-32% and ends when it reaches a maximum of 24%. For grain harvesting, their humidity should be below 24%, followed by drying them to a moisture content of 14%.

cultiva porumb

Late harvesting of corn for cereals may lead to the appearance of diseases such as quill, which affect plantation.

Equipment required for harvesting grain maize:

To harvest grain corn, we need a farmer with corn heder, a trailer with a screw (to lower it) and a telescopic loader for easier later handling.

Tractor for sale Combine for sale Trailer for sale Loader for sale


How do you set the best corn harvesting data?


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